What is OpenHi.net ?
The Open Hydrosystem Information Network (OpenHi.net) is a national integrated information infrastructure for the collection, management and free dissemination of hydrological and environmental information related to the country’s surface water resources. The system receives and processes real-time metering data from automatic telemetry stations installed on rivers, lakes and on terrain. It also collaborates with third-party databases, such as research agencies and government agencies, that manage real-time data and / or historical data.
OpenHi.net has been published in the Water MDPI Open access journal.
- List of Stations page provides access to the data of the networked stations which are installed on rivers, lakes, reservoirs or terrains. The network is under continuous development.
- Station pages (i.e. Ανθήλη) hosts various timeseries, for instance, a gauge timeseries, while other stations provide data series relevant to water quality (pH, salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity). Furthermore derived data, such as river-flow, and processed information like graphs and stats are provided. Latest data are given via «Last data».
- Programmatic access to data of stations and their associated timeseries via the API of enhydris.
- Furthermore, free geo-data relevant to surface water bodies and measuring network are provided.
OpenHi.net provides services for adding new station and managing their inherent timeseries, for instance, eliminating incorrect overshoot, or generating derivative timeseries.
Research and regional entities (i.e. Research Institutes, Universities, Prefectures, Municipalities etc.) are invited to register their equipment by logging in the system as station administrators and creating their respective water measurement stations in this national water-measurement infrastructure.
Miscellaneous operations for Station Owners
User instructions for warning events, auto-time and/or value consistency, stage discharge computation etc. are provided here.
National Technical University of Athens, School of Civil Engineering, Department of Water Resources & Environment, with scientific supervisor N.Mamassis (infrastructure coordinator), nikos{at}itia.ntua.gr
Hellenic Center for Marine Research, Institute of Marine Biological Resources & Inland Water, led by H. Dimitriou, elias{at}hcmr.gr
National Observatory of Athens, Institute of Environmental Research & Sustainable Development, with scientific director K. Mazi, kmazi{at}noa.gr
The Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS), with PI Dr. D. Kalogeras, dkalo{at}iccs.gr
TEI of Epirus, Department of Agricultural Technologists, Laboratory of Agricultural Engineering & Natural Resources Management, with scientific supervisor I. Tsirogiannis, itsirog{at}teiep.gr