- River Basin Management Plans (Ministry of Environment and Energy). Water management plans implementing European Directive 2000/60/EC requirements .
- Hydroscope (Ministry of Environment and Energy). Access to hydrological, meteorological, hydrogeological and geographical data in Greece from various Greek institutions. Also, hydroscope offers a number of advanced mathematical models and software applications for the exploration and processing of the relative information.
- National Water Monitoring Network monitors the condition of water, standardizes and extends earlier monitoring networks, based on the requirements and specifications of the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) and other relevant Directives.
- Flood Risk Management Plans (Ministry of Environment and Energy). Information relative to 2007/60/EC directive, on the development of actions undertaken for its implementation in Greece and on the implementation of Flood Risk Management Plans in all water compartments and river basins of the country. In particular, Intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves at raingauge stations were defined. Curves parameters are available in shapefile and worksheet.
- Global River Discharge Database (Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE), University of Wisconsin-Madison). Monthly runoff values for about 3500 locations in the world. The data sources are: RivDis2.0, The United States Geological Survey, Brazilian National Department of Water and Electrical Energy, and HYDAT-Environment Canada
- United States Geological Survey, discharge data from USA hydrological stations. It includes in particular: (a) data telemetry stations in real time (over 10000 sites), (b) historical data of the telemetric stations (over 16,000 sites), (c) processed daily data (over 27000 sites), (d) peak discharges (more than 29000 sites), and (e) field measurements (over 70000 sites)
- Global lakes database, International Lake Environment Committee
- Worldwide Hydrometric data (University of New Hampshire)
- Global sediment data (Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations), historical sediment data for rivers and reservoirs worldwide.